Hoshi 35
Hoshi 35 is an upcoming crowdfunded tokusatsu kaiju film which will be written and directed by Hiroto Yokokawa and co-directed by Kazuma Yoneyama and Daisuke Sato, with effects by Sato. Funded by MRTS Co., Ltd. and produced by 3Y Co., Ltd., it will star Megumi Odaka,Yoko Ishino,Megumi Kobayashi,Daijiro Harada,Jun Hashizume,Hiroshi Miyasaka,Yukijiro Hotaru, and Yumiko Tanaka. The project, whose name is derived from the Japanese word for "star" (hoshi), will celebrate Odaka's 35th anniversary as an actress and will be her first film role in close to 30 years. It is to be tentatively released to Japanese theaters in October 2023.

Title:Hoshi 35
Cast:Megumi Odaka,Yoko Ishino,Megumi Kobayashi,Daijiro Harada,Jun Hashizume,Hiroshi Miyasaka,Mai Saito,Yukijiro Hotaru, and Yumiko Tanaka
Directed by Hiroto Yokokawa
Co-directed by Kazuma Yoneyama, Daisuke Sato
Associate director Kazuma Yoneyama
Written by Hiroto Yokokawa,Akihiro Ugajin
Organized by Akihiro Ugajin,Yamato Watanabe,Hiroto Yokokawa
Executive producer Takashi Yasuda
Consulting producer Avery Guerra
Cinematography by Daisuke Sato
Production design by Takuma Asai,Karin Yamada,Ryo Kimoto
Director of special effects Daisuke Sato
Monster design by Takuma Asai
Monster modeling by Daisuke Sato,Takuma Asai

▲"Hoshikuzu" design by Takuma Asai

▲The cast of Hoshi 35.
About 3Y Film
3Y Film is part of the video production company 3Y Co., Ltd. Founded in 2015 by Hiroto Yokokawa, 3Y has been involved with the production, filming, photography, editing and CG effects for commercials, movies, stage productions and corporate videos. The company has recently branched out into their original productions such as the feature film THE GREAT BUDDHA ARRIVAL & NEZURA 1964.
▲HOSHI 35(2023) IMAGE | 3Y Film
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